Posts in Police Violence
The Ambiguous Reality of Police Integrity

“‘Once they were out on the streets, experiencing the realities of the job, their results changed,’ Dr. Blumberg acknowledged. ‘Very bluntly, we found a significant drop in participants’ integrity scores. It sounds kind of shocking to me, but it appears that police work played a part in lowering participants’ commitment to ethical principles’.“

The Crime Report

April 2, 2019

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A Law Intended to Protect Crime Victims Is Being Used to Shield the Identities of Police Officers

“What on earth does a victim's rights law have to do with a police officer demanding to conceal his identity from the public? According to the Rapid City Journal, the officer in question shot 21-year-old Kuong Gatlauk following a confrontation during a traffic stop. According to the police report, Gatlauk made statements intending some sort of self-harm and fled from a police vehicle. In a confrontation, he apparently threw a beer can at the trooper and then tackled the trooper and tried to steal the trooper's gun, according to this report. The trooper was able to keep his gun and shot the suspect twice.“

Reason Magazine

October 22, 2018

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Your next NJ traffic stop could leave you face-to-face with a troubled cop

“New Jersey is one of just four states that does not license police officers, a basic safeguard used nationwide to ensure bad cops don’t skirt the rules or move from town to town. Licensing is a practice common to dozens of other professions, from doctors to massage therapists, and even other public employees, such as municipal finance officers. Licensing helps ensure professional standards are uniform, upheld and bad actors are banned.“

Asbury Park Press

September 21, 2018

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When Trying to Help Gets You Fired

“When backup arrived, Williams raised his gun in their direction and the officers fired, killing him. A few weeks later, Mader was ousted by the police department of Weirton, West Virginia, for failing to eliminate a threat. Mader is not alone. Across the country, police officers have been disciplined for doing what they believe is the right thing.“

The Marshall Project

September 17, 2018

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Ohio State Rep: If Police tase or shoot a child, she probably acted 'stupid' or was 'a punk'

“Becker also addressed police shootings in his newsletter. If his child were shot by police, he wrote, ‘rather than blaming the cop, I’d be blaming myself and endlessly soul searching to figure out how I failed as a parent and why my kid grew up to be a punk.’ He added, ‘Based on the evidence of what I see on television, it often times appears to me that justice was delivered to the dead punk’.“

The Appeal

September 14, 2018

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Spider-Man's Take On Police Feels Out Of Touch

“Instead of being part of the complex life of the city, this latest Spider-Man sees a black-and-white world of cops and robbers. He aids in state surveillance, standing unquestioningly alongside an overly idealized caricature of the police. He’s still friendly, but I don’t know if he’s part of the neighborhood now. “


September 12, 2018

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What the Trial of Laquan McDonald’s Killer Means for the Future of Chicago

“But, ultimately, this trial—regardless of the outcome—underscores a narrative that is central to life in Chicago today, and in most American cities: the broadening gap between those who have and those who have not. Acree has taken to calling Chicago “a tale of two cities,” a shorthand description that has become so prevalent when people talk about the city’s trajectory that the mayor pointedly dismissed the characterization this summer. “

The New Yorker

September 11, 2018

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Teaching police to holster their emotions

"When Washington trains police, it teaches them not to see their role only as 'warriors,' but as 'guardians.' That's just one change, along with de-escalation training, to help police more safely interact with people exhibiting signs of mental illness. 'They’re going into communities, not war zones,' says the director."

Christian Science Monitor

August 16, 2018

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A Strategy to Build Police-Citizen Trust

"Stockton is one of six American cities taking part in a new experiment funded by the Department of Justice. (The others are Birmingham, Ala.; Pittsburgh; Gary, Ind.; Fort Worth; and Minneapolis.) The cities are beginning programs to promote racial reconciliation; to address the racial biases all of us carry; and to gain the community’s trust using an idea known as procedural justice."

New York Times

July 26, 2018

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Two years after Philando Castile’s death, programs aim to transform relations between police, residents

"Scenes like this have been taking place across the Twin Cities thanks to the Lights On program, believed to be the first of its kind in the country. Instead of writing tickets for minor equipment problems, police officers are authorized to issue $50 coupons so motorists can have those problems fixed at area auto shops. Twenty participating police departments have given out approximately 660 coupons in a little more than a year."

Washington Post

July 7, 2018

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