Posts tagged Christianity
A Look at Mass Incarceration in Alabama--Eighth in a Series

“‘Family members of people in prison have needs in every area of life,’ Laure said. ‘Physical, financial, emotional, mental and spiritual. For some people, they might need to know where they can get groceries to feed their families. Others might need a job to make ends meet when the primary wage-earner goes to prison. They need to know how to deal with the mental duress, the stress, what they’re allowed to wear while visiting their loved one in prison, where to find local counselors or even daycare’.“

The Alabama Baptist

January 29, 2019

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Opinion | Voters putting faith in criminal justice reform

"A recent nationwide Barna Group survey, commissioned by Prison Fellowship, found that 74 percent of practicing Christians say that a candidate’s criminal justice platform influences their vote. Seventy-seven percent say their beliefs compel them to advocate in support of criminal justice reforms to make the system more fair, safe, and humane."

Memphis Commercial Appeal

August 13, 2018

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From the Courtroom to the Capitol; The Push for Criminal Justice Overhaul

"While the First Step Act doesn’t tackle sentencing, Christian organizations see its use of faith-based programs as a critical to keeping felons out of prison.  'As Christians we suit up, we show up and we do what Christ would have us do we go into the prisons. As we heal the prisons in America, I think we heal the communities in America,' said DeRoche."

Christian Broadcasting Network

July 14, 2018

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