Posts tagged Gotham Gazette
Mass Incarceration and Remorse

“However important a role forgiveness played in the jury’s decision to spare Guyger decades behind bars, according to interviews with some of the jurors an even greater factor was Guyger’s expression of remorse during her trial testimony: “I’m so sorry,” she said. “I never wanted to take an innocent person’s life...I wish he was the one with the gun that killed me.”“

Gotham Gazette

October 22, 2019

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For Bail Reform to Work Invest in Communities, Not Prosecutors

“New York City has a tremendous opportunity to reinvest in communities to help them thrive and to make them safer. To get there, we must expand the scope of this discussion and address the root causes of the social problems that we have tried and failed to address through mass incarceration, policing, and criminalization while stigmatizing generations of our fellow New Yorkers. “

Gotham Gazette

June 12, 2019

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