Posts tagged Prison Legal News
Ohio Restaurateur Founds Hot Chicken Takeover, Hires Ex-Cons

“In 2013, Joe DeLoss founded Hot Chicken Takeover in Columbus, Ohio. HCT is a “Nashville Hot Chicken” restaurant that has nearly 50 employees, 70% of whom have had trouble finding work due to criminal records or other issues. DeLoss has also worked to establish other programs to help such people, such as food service training and financial aid programs. Since then, two other HCT locations have opened in Columbus.“

Prison Legal News

June 5, 2019

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Prisoners Help Train Future (K9) Law Enforcement Officers

"Puppies Behind Bars (PBB), a nonprofit founded in 1997, trains prisoners to raise both service dogs and explosive detection dogs. The future K9 officers enter prison at the age of eight weeks and live with their prisoner-trainer for about two years. According to the PBB’s website, the program 'gives inmates the opportunity to contribute to society rather than take from it, and lets law enforcement see that inmates are capable of doing something positive for the community'."

Prison Legal News

August 7, 2018

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