Posts tagged St Clair Prison
Alabama senator says Christians ‘should speak out’ over prison conditions, sparking reaction

““No one in this state should read this report and just roll their eyes,” Ward said to “It’s a disgrace to our state. I know everyone says, ‘They are criminals’ and ‘Who cares?’ We profess to be the most Christian state in the country, but no Christian would allow their fellow man to be treated the way that they are said to be treated. That may not be the popular view, but it’s the truth.”“

Birmingham News

April 22, 2019

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2,000 Leaked Photos Show the Cruelty of an Alabama Prison. Should They Be Published?

“So whose approach was right? That’s a question that Pete Brook, a curator and researcher of the history of prison photography, recently asked his students to consider. Brook, who runs the blog Prison Photography, teaches a class on the topic inside San Quentin State Prison. He shared his students’ responses to the question, posed at the start of the Times story—“Would we fix our prisons if we could see what happens inside them?”—with Mother Jones. Their statements reflect the ethical gray area of the issue.“

Mother Jones

April 19, 2019

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