Posts tagged The Nation
How Private Equity Is Turning Public Prisons Into Big Profits

“Bianca Tylek, the founder of Worth Rises, an advocacy group that tracks commercial interests in corrections, has catalogued 3,100 companies with a financial stake in mass incarceration. Her findings were released last April in a Corrections Accountability Project report and include not only the well-known, publicly traded private-prison contractors but also divisions within companies with household names like Amazon, General Electric, and Stanley Black & Decker.“

The Nation

April 30, 2019

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Prison Gerrymandering Distorts Our Democracy in the Worst Ways

“Sponsored by Congressman John Sarbanes (D-MD) this ‘For the People Act’ is designed ‘to expand Americans’ access to the ballot box, reduce the influence of big money in politics, and strengthen ethics rules for public servants and for other purposes.’ It does all that. And, thanks to Pocan, it also addresses one of the great injustices in American politics—prison gerrymandering.“

The Nation

March 8, 2019

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Prison Gerrymandering Distorts Our Democracy in the Worst Ways

“Because Census data is used for redistricting at every level of government, prison gerrymandering creates distorted maps. In an era of mass incarceration, this distortion creates an even greater injustice because, as the Prison Policy Initiative explains, “counting the people in prison in the wrong place now undermines the Supreme Court’s requirement that political power be apportioned on the basis of population. The process of drawing fair and equal districts fails when the underlying data are flawed.”“

The Nation

March 8, 2019

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