Posts tagged Constitution
Judges Who Help Us Expand Our 'Crabbed View' of Justice Beyond Criminal Prosecution

"Fifteen states (and Puerto Rico) give judges the power to dismiss prosecutions “in the interests of justice,” or, in other words, to declare that, regardless of the strength of the evidence, a dismissal would get us closer to justice than would continued prosecution. Four states (and Guam) have de minimis dismissal provisions, which serve the same ends."

The Appeal

February 8, 2018

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Judicial Discretion: Ten Guidelines for Its Use

"Judicial discretion is necessary to the proper discharge of our Constitutional obligations as a separate – and independent – branch of government. Legislatures simply cannot write laws to address all situations which find their way into court or that develop as a case makes its way through the legal system. Judges are present during proceedings and hear the evidence firsthand. From this vantage point a judge must have some discretion to apply the law to the facts and procedure of the pending dispute."

The National Judicial College

May 21, 2015

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