Posts in Death Penalty
Texas Plan to Execute a Man for a Murder He Didn't Commit

“Under the law of parties, if people conspire together to commit a felony (in this case, armed robbery), and one person commits an additional felony in furtherance of the first one that could have been anticipated, ‘all conspirators are guilty of the felony actually committed, though having no intent to commit it.’ In other states, a similar doctrine is known as felony murder.“

The Appeal

March 28, 2019

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Californians continue to sour on death penalty, poll finds, feeding momentum to end it

“A new poll found that Californians, by a 2-to-1 margin, support sentencing first-degree murderers to life in prison rather than the death penalty, an indication that Gov. Gavin Newsom’s recent decision to impose a moratorium on executions may align with public sentiment against capital punishment. The poll results could potentially revive efforts to abolish the death penalty in California, including a proposed constitutional amendment being considered in the state Legislature that could land on the 2020 ballot, and embolden Newsom to take additional action against capital punishment.“

LA Times

March 27, 2019

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TX: In Harris County Capital Cases, Prosecutors Get to Be the Judges

"While it is not unusual for judges to ask parties to submit proposed findings before they make a ruling, it should be unusual for them to simply adopt one party’s document without reading it, without editing it, without considering it. The fact-finding process is meant to be adversarial, even more so in high-stakes capital cases. When courts just adopt the State’s documents verbatim, due process is rendered meaningless; judges have ceded whatever authority they have, handing it over to the State."

Prosecutorial Accountability Project

June 19, 2018

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