Posts tagged Delaware
Study: Delaware among worst states for recently released prison inmates

“The states were ranked based on four primary data points; the number of reentry programs, number of current and ex-inmates, background check restrictions and re-incarceration percentages. The study claims that Delaware has a 3-year recidivism rate of 64.90 percent, 8 percent of the state’s population being either a current or former inmate and a total of five reentry programs. “

Delaware State News

August 24, 2019

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The tide turns for criminal justice reform in Delaware. Will we go far enough?

“If you had told me a year or so ago that these kinds of bills were going to pass the Senate unanimously, I'd have thought you were crazy. It was only three years ago that senators got in shouting matches over a bill to scale back "three strikes" sentencing laws. So why has the tide turned in favor of reform?“

Delaware Online

July 5, 2019

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