Posts tagged Florida Times Union
Gillum wants criminal justice reform. DeSantis wants mandatory minimums. Here’s how the candidates for Florida governor differ:

“Despite Florida’s low crime rates and despite prison admissions declining for nine of the last 10 years, Florida’s prison and jails budgets are higher than ever. Due to long sentences, the inmate population has stayed stubbornly near its all-time high, and this past year, the state budget gave $2.3 billion for the Department of Corrections, and even that wasn’t enough — the agency hit a $79 million deficit.“

Florida Times-Union

October 19, 2018

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Florida’s prisons are more expensive than ever. What will the next governor do about it?

"Even as crime rates and prison admissions have fallen over the past decade, ever-lengthening criminal sentences have left Florida prisons full of inmates and in need of a record $2.4 billion — a budget-busting challenge for the state’s next governor to resolve. How he or she would do so falls on a single but complex question: Does Florida’s harsh penal system need reform?"

Florida Times Union

August 17, 2018

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