Posts tagged Louisiana
Governor’s Race Could Decide If Louisiana’s Prison Population Continues to Shrink

“Despite this bipartisan pedigree, some of the state’s most prominent Republican officials are foes of criminal justice reform and use them to attack Edwards, who is up for re-election this fall. One of his main challengers, GOP Representative Ralph Abraham, is running firmly against the policies, which he says have “opened the gates” to crime.“

The Appeal: Political Report

August 21, 2019

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Louisiana sees rise in savings, further drop in prison population from 2nd year of justice reforms

“The Department of Corrections reported on Friday that in that period, the state's prison population fell by 1,400, down to a total of 31,756 — a number the state has not seen since the 1990s. The savings from lower incarceration costs will allow the state to further invest in initiatives aimed at keeping people from returning, or going, to prison, and supporting crime victims, officials said.“

The Advocate

July 19, 2019

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Louisiana routinely jails people weeks, months, years after their release dates

“These injustices could be fixed, criminal justice experts said, if only state and local authorities would improve coordination. What officials appear to have done, instead, is blame each other: The sheriff’s office denied responsibility when reached for comment, blaming the Department of Corrections (DOC). DOC declined to comment citing pending litigation, but in court transcripts it has pointed the finger at the sheriff’s office.“

New Orleans Times Picayune

February 21, 2019

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Louisiana's criminal justice reforms are working

“Today, a snapshot of the Louisiana prison system shows that the majority of individuals incarcerated are there for violent offenses and that the number of individuals imprisoned for non-violent offenses has dropped 20 percent since the fourth quarter of 2017. There has also been a 7.4 percent decrease in prison admissions.“

Shreveport Times

September 7, 2018

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Opinion: First year of criminal justice reforms having positive impact

"As part of the reforms, in the past year the state has saved $12.2 million, doubling original projections. Over the next decade, the state is expected to save $262 million, and reinvest 70 percent of the savings into programs and policies to reduce recidivism and support victims of crime. The state has also shed its claim as the incarceration capital of the world this year. Louisiana’s state prison population is at 32,743 this week, the lowest it has been in more than 20 years, and down from its peak of 40,568 in 2012."

The Daily Comet

August 5, 2018

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Criminal justice numbers tell story of success

"The report also showed fewer people are being sent back to prison after having their outside supervision revoked, and fewer first-time offenders are being sent away in the first place. And fewer are under probation or parole, which officials attribute to improved good behavior incentives and better monitoring due to reduced caseloads. Another finding is that the legal changes have reduced the average sentence for non-violent crimes."

The Advocate

June 30, 2018

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