Posts tagged Politico
What Democrats Get Wrong About Prison Reform

“But in their rush to sound strong on criminal justice reform, the candidates left out one important fact. Drug crime is not what’s driving the high prison population in the United States. It’s crimes of violence. And this omission has consequences. It means that any “solution” is unlikely to achieve its intended goal and in the meantime society will continue to suffer long-term damage—physical, psychological and economic—from a persistent cycle of unaddressed violent crime.“


August 14, 2019

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Sentencing reform tests Cotton’s sway with Trump

"Despite the long odds, the battle is raging behind the scenes. Internal discussions of the subject at Senate lunches have been heated, according to Republican sources, a preview of what might happen on the Senate floor if the chamber takes it up. It’s the same dynamic that kept McConnell from bringing up a larger criminal justice reform package in 2016 as Cotton railed against it and declared the United States has an 'under-incarceration problem'."


August 20, 2018

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