Posts tagged Tampa Bay Times
Florida criminal justice reform bill passes first committee despite Amendment 4 concerns

“Some of the bill’s highlights include: Doing away with mandatory minimum sentences for certain, nonviolent drug trafficking charges. Setting up for the creation of an entrepreneurship program to teach inmates new skills while in prison. Keeping inmates at prisons within a 300-mile radius of their families. Allowing for nonprofits or other non-governmental organizations to offer reentry programs in prisons. Offering less severe penalties for those who commit “technical violations” of their probation such as failing a drug test of missing curfew. Providing inmates who are released a document that lists all the outstanding terms of their sentence, including court fees and restitution“

Tampa Bay Times

March 4, 2019

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Educate voters on Amendment 4 and restoring felons' rights

"Amendment 4 would automatically restore voting rights for all felons (excluding those convicted of murder and felony sex crimes) who have completed their sentence, including any probation and restitution. It needs 60 percent voter approval to pass. A new poll commissioned by the Florida Chamber of Commerce found just 40 percent of voters in favor and 17 percent opposed."

Tampa Bay Times

June 16, 2018

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Florida prisons cut programs to cover $28 million deficit

"Legislators ignored the warning and instead made cuts, leaving the agency with a $79 million deficit in its $2.3 billion budget, and not enough money to pay for inmate healthcare, which the state is legally required to provide. To make up the shortfall, Corrections Secretary Julie Jones announced last week she was cutting substance abuse and mental health treatment programs and eliminating re-entry and work-release services that prepare high-security inmates for life out of prison."

Tampa Bay Times

May 6, 2018

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