Posts tagged Tulsa World
Wayne Greene: If Oklahoma could get its incarceration rate down to the national average, we'd have $100 million a year do things other than mass incarceration

“So how would the state be different if our incarceration rate were at the national average? First and most obviously, there would be fewer people in prison. Based on a 2016 estimated state population of 3.93 million, there would have been 15,327 fewer people locked up in our state.“

Tulsa World

April 19, 2019

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49 Oklahoma inmates imprisoned for drug crimes asking for commutations

"Push for commutations is spurred by the passage of State Question 780, which starting July 1, 2017, made nonviolent drug possession offenses and low-level property offenses misdemeanors instead of felonies. Steele led the call for the state question, which was approved in November 2016 by 58 percent of Oklahoma voters."

Tulsa World

August 11, 2018

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