Posts tagged Wisconsin
Why is Wisconsin locking up twice as many people as Minnesota?

“Today, Wisconsin’s jail and prison population still towers over Minnesota’s, 35,000 to 16,000. Its prisons require $150 per every Wisconsinite to stay running -- roughly twice what is required per each Minnesota citizen. And for all that money and heartbreak, it hasn’t made much of a dent in Wisconsin’s share of crime. The rates are similar in each state.“

City Pages

October 29, 2018

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The conservative voice for criminal justice reform grows

“Wisconsin is positioned to address the problems of overcrowded and unsafe prisons at the same time.  Assuming there is only one solution, e.g. building new prisons, to a problem is folly.  Old prisons that pose significant risk to officers and inmates alike need to be addressed and closed if necessary.  It would be foolish to not examine why so many prisons are needed in the first place.  The legislature and the administration should closely examine if truth sentencing, as it exists today, simply results in warehousing people. As Governor Thompson suggested it’s not benefitting public safety.“

Right on Crime

September 24, 2018

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Ex-prison chief for Wisconsin eviscerates Scott Walker and Brad Schimel in a new book

"Gov. Scott Walker declined to meet with his corrections secretary as a crisis unfolded at the state’s teen prison and his staff deliberately kept him from visiting the facility, according to a new book by Walker’s former prisons chief."

Milwaukee Journal Sentinel

August 10, 2018

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Scott Walker says Democrats would make Wisconsin more dangerous

"'I think anybody who's talking about that is driving away from the real issue in this race,' Walker said. 'I don't hear from voters about visiting anybody other than visiting victims of crime, who want me to focus on making sure that the violent criminals who'd be let out under the Democrat plan are not going to be let out any time soon'."

Milwaukee Journal Sentinel

August 9, 2018

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