Posts tagged New Orleans
Roger Goodell, Saints players tour New Orleans' criminal justice system

“For eight hours, Goodell listened attentively — sometimes interjecting questions — as defense attorneys and formerly incarcerated people spoke. In the day’s first session, Orleans Parish Chief Public Defender Derwyn Bunton explained the plethora of bail fees and court costs that defendants pay to help support the city's criminal justice system.“

The Advocate

September 11, 2018

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How the Formerly Incarcerated Support the Formerly Incarcerated

"Orians is a staff attorney with The First 72 Plus, so named in reference to that first 72 hours after release. The New Orleans-based non-profit was founded by six men who had all previously been incarcerated. Prior to founding the First 72, all of the men had made a habit out of helping others returning home from prison by helping them secure a place to return home to."

Next City

August 20, 2018

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