Posts tagged Next City
Words Matter In Criminal Justice Reform

“If criminal justice officials want to find ways to send fewer people to jail and prison, and to ultimately have fewer people incarcerated, then they might well consider removing the term from all aspects of the criminal justice system. The names of courtrooms, prosecutorial units, training protocols and beyond should not presuppose that everyone who touches the system will be sent to jail or prison. Words matter. It is time we stop ‘alternatives to incarceration’ and start’“responsive sentencing’.“

Next City

May 31, 2019

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How the Formerly Incarcerated Support the Formerly Incarcerated

"Orians is a staff attorney with The First 72 Plus, so named in reference to that first 72 hours after release. The New Orleans-based non-profit was founded by six men who had all previously been incarcerated. Prior to founding the First 72, all of the men had made a habit out of helping others returning home from prison by helping them secure a place to return home to."

Next City

August 20, 2018

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