Posts tagged New York City
A plea for smarter parole: N.Y. has to stop setting people up to fail

“That is why we are supporting the Less Is More Act, recently introduced by Assembly member Walter Mosley, to increase public safety and reduce unnecessary incarceration. And it's why we earlier this year were among 45 current and former prosecutors in calling for making probation and parole less punitive and more rehabilitative, coming together with probation and parole administrators and their national organizations to declare probation and parole "a significant contributor to mass incarceration" that should be substantially downsized.“

New York Daily News

December 28, 2018

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For Justice and Decarceration, Enact Second-Look Sentencing

"Mass incarceration is not just about unnecessarily incarcerating masses of people. It is about unnecessarily keeping masses of people in prison for decades. A sentence once imposed is not thereby automatically rendered, just, fair and appropriate in perpetuity. Ultimately, second-look mechanisms are meant to recognize and value the possibility of change and transformation, and to intervene when drastically long sentences are indefensible."

Gotham Gazette

June 26, 2018

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NYC man set free from prison after judge rules 25 years behind bars is enough

"A New York City man walked free for the first time in decades after a federal judge ruled he'd done enough time for his crimes. By Thursday, Alexander Landor had served 25 years in state prison for an attempted murder conviction — and Brooklyn Federal Judge Sterling Johnson refused to mete out more jail time for the 'rehabilitated' man."

New York Daily News

May 24, 2018

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