Posts tagged Sentencing
‘I don’t feel that I’m any safer’: Juror speaks out against 40-year sentence for drug dealer he helped convict

"The judge who sentenced Turner, T.S. Ellis III, called the punishment 'excessive' and 'wrong' at a June sentencing hearing. If he can’t change the sentence, 'why do we have a judge?' St. Louis asked. 'Let’s put that in his hands . . . but instead you heard the judge say his hands are tied, and that doesn’t seem right to me'."

Washington Post

July 26, 2018

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New law gives judges more discretion when setting bail

"Until this most recent law was signed, judges were required to release people charged with many misdemeanors without cash bail. But that lack of judicial discretion raised concerns for police, prosecutors and, ultimately, the Legislature. It passed a new law, which Governor Bill Walker signed June 14 that said judges again can decide whether to require cash bail."

Alaska Public Media

July 4, 2018

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NYC man set free from prison after judge rules 25 years behind bars is enough

"A New York City man walked free for the first time in decades after a federal judge ruled he'd done enough time for his crimes. By Thursday, Alexander Landor had served 25 years in state prison for an attempted murder conviction — and Brooklyn Federal Judge Sterling Johnson refused to mete out more jail time for the 'rehabilitated' man."

New York Daily News

May 24, 2018

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Senate Passes #EquityAndJustice2018 Bill to Return Sentencing Discretion to Judges

"The California Senate today approved another moderate reform rooted in evidence-based policy and sensible cost-effective approaches to criminal justice. Specifically, Senate Bill 1393, the Fair and Just Sentencing Reform Act, would eliminate automatic penalties that have contributed to the state’s mass incarceration crisis and failed ‘tough on crime’ policies by returning discretion in sentencing of serious felonies to judges."

California State Senate

May 14, 2018

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