Posts in State Reforms
Re-Envisioning the Roles of Prosecutors and Attorneys General to Make the Justice System Work for Everyone

“Along with criminal justice reform, a progressive law enforcement office would use its powers to fight abuses in which the powerful prey on people from working-class or marginalized communities. This would include taking on abusive landlords, predatory lenders, corrupt elected officials, hate crime perpetrators, and corporate and government leaders whose decisions have devastating consequences for ordinary people, such as poisoned water. And it would involve doing so in collaboration with affected communities and grassroots organizations.“

Stanford Social Innovation Review

December 1, 2019

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Dethroning the ‘Kings of the Courtroom’: How to Turn Prosecutors into Reformers

“Still, he added, the prosecutor-led reform movement also carries with it some dangers. There’s a contradiction between trying to curb prosecutorial powers and using a prosecutor’s clout in the system to make changes in the administration of justice that critics could justifiably call political overreach or an abuse of the political process, Bellin noted. Instead, he argued, prosecutors should use their influence to reduce the “severity” of modern U.S. justice.“

The Crime Report

November 29, 2019

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Larry Krasner vs. Everybody: Inside the Philly DA’s Crusade to Revolutionize Criminal Justice

“As a career defense attorney who’d never prosecuted a case in his life, Larry Krasner did promise a radical reworking of the DA’s office — an end to what he called the “crisis of mass incarceration.” He won, improbably, in part because of major campaign spending by liberal billionaire George Soros. Now, nearly two years into his first term, he’s shown he can deliver on what he promised, diverting nonviolent offenders from prison and eliminating cash bail for some charges.* But the victories have come with controversy — including, most spectacularly, some dramatic skirmishes with his fellow top law enforcement officers.“

Philadelphia Magazine

November 23, 2019

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Newsletter: What does it mean to be a progressive prosecutor?

““Progressive prosecutor” has clearly become a buzzword as of late, but what exactly does it mean to be one? Progressive prosecutors tend to sound “more like liberal activists and civil rights lawyers than traditional hard-nosed DAs,” and are seeking to transform criminal justice systems, as my colleague Del Quentin Wilber put it a few months ago.“

LA Times

November 12, 2019

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DAs trained how to keep people in jail despite new bail law

“Jed Painter, an assistant district attorney from Nassau County, has been giving presentations on New York’s new state laws that limit bail, expand discovery in criminal cases and encourage speedy trials to audiences of lawyers and legislators across the state. But critics say Painter’s presentation helps prosecutors find legal loopholes to hold more defendants on bail and to delay trials.“

City & State New York

October 28, 2019

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A Texas Prosecutor Fights for Reform

“The position of the district attorney in American politics has changed rapidly in the past few years, as progressive DAs have swept offices across the country with plans to reform the criminal-justice system from within. While most of the prominent DAs are in Democratic states, Creuzot, a former judge who has been registered as both a Democrat and a Republican, has emerged as one of the highest-profile DAs trying to enact progressive policies in a red state.“

The Atlantic

October 24, 2019

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The Kim Foxx Effect: How Prosecutions Have Changed in Cook County

“Our analysis of this data provides the first detailed look at the more than 35,000 cases that flow through Foxx’s office every year. We found that since she took office she turned away more than 5,000 cases that would have been pursued by previous State’s Attorney Anita Alvarez, mostly by declining to prosecute low-level shoplifting and drug offenses and by diverting more cases to alternative treatment programs. Foxx has not finished her term, so these trends could yet change.“

The Marshall Project

October 24, 2019

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Editorial: America’s next most important election? The L.A. district attorney race

“The Los Angeles County district attorney’s office is the nation’s largest local prosecutorial agency by far. Its caseload, together with L.A.’s position as a capital of innovation and a breeding ground for political movements, put the L.A. D.A.’s office in a position to influence justice policy not just here but throughout California and, arguably, around the nation. Practices established in L.A. may well set the course for dealing with homelessness, mental health care, policing and public safety everywhere. So there is a strong case to be made that aside from the presidential race, the most important item before voters in 2020 will be the race for L.A. County D.A.“

Los Angeles Times

October 21, 2019

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Prosecutors Need to Take the Lead in Reforming Prisons

“Everyone who takes the oath of a prosecutor’s office in this country should come to work feeling the moral weight of our unacceptable prison conditions. District attorneys can profoundly transform the criminal-justice system if they recognize their own role in perpetuating the harms of prison and commit to fixing American prisons. Prosecutors should proactively employ their considerable power to investigate and prosecute abuse, other criminal conduct, and civil-rights violations behind bars, and use their bully pulpits to speak out loudly in favor of a drastically different prison model.“

The Atlantic

August 27, 2019

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A No-Holds-Barred Assault on Prosecutors

“While most progressive prosecutors have not been in office long enough to measure their impact on crime (or punishment), it’s worth noting that violent crime fell by over 5 percent in Philadelphia during District Attorney Larry Krasner’s first year on the job, and by 4 percent during Kim Foxx’s first two years in Chicago. None of this is dispositive proof that the policies of progressive prosecutors can lead to reductions in crime, but it pushes back strongly against Barr’s fearmongering.“

The Appeal

August 13, 2019

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Jody Owens wins Hinds County district attorney's race

“Owens was endorsed by Jackson Mayor Chokwe Antar Lumumba. He also was endorsed by the Real Justice PAC, an organization co-founded by New York activist Shaun King. The Real Justice PAC works to elect reform-minded prosecutors at the county and municipal level.“

Mississippi Clarion Ledger

August 6, 2019

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Pennsylvania's Top Cop Says He Supports Criminal Justice Reform. His Record Suggests Otherwise.

“During his campaign, Shapiro espoused progressive ideals like standing up to Wall Street and protecting the rights of the LGBTQ community; he has frequently cast himself as a bulwark against President Trump. But since then, critics say, he has embraced a tough-on-crime image that contrasts sharply with the progressive politics of Philadelphia DA Larry Krasner, the state’s most prominent prosecutor. Shapiro is endorsed by the Fraternal Order of Police, they note, an organization that accused Krasner of having ‘great disdain for law enforcement.’“

The Appeal

August 2, 2019

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Report: Incarceration Rates Drop Nearly 20% Under Kim Foxx

“The number of people sentenced to prison in Cook County dropped by nearly one-fifth last year according to a new report that analyzes the prosecution practices and case settlements under State’s Attorney Kim Foxx. The report was published Tuesday by a group of “community partners” including The People’s Lobby and Reclaim Chicago – two local organizations that publicly supported Foxx during her 2016 election campaign – and the Chicago Appleseed Fund for Justice, an advocacy organization aimed at improving the court system.“

WTTW Chicago

July 30, 2019

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Durham DA Deberry promised to fight mass incarceration. See how she says she’s doing.

“The report outlines changes Deberry has made, from how the office is structured and prosecutes homicides, to not prosecuting certain misdemeanors and school referrals. She also created an internal pre-trial release policy that seeks to keep more people out of jail and a committee that reviews and shares information about police misconduct. Here are five significant changes Deberry has made since taking office Jan. 1.“

Raleigh News & Observer

July 25, 2019

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The true role of the district attorney

“The social justice district attorney candidate makes grand pronouncements, and, as here in Boston, proclaims that entire categories of crime will no longer be prosecuted. This is done, it’s claimed, to redress inequities in the demographics of who is in jail or prison. This criminal justice philosophy, though well intentioned, is flawed in several respects.“

Boston Globe

May 28, 2019

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Texas prosecutors want to keep low-level criminals out of overcrowded jails. Top Republicans and police aren't happy.

“Dallas County District Attorney John Creuzot announced policy reforms last month that he said would be “a step forward” in ending mass incarceration in Dallas. His plans include decreasing the use of excessively high bail amounts and no longer prosecuting most first-time marijuana offenses. “

Texas Tribune

May 21, 2019

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