Posts tagged Dallas
Texas prosecutors want to keep low-level criminals out of overcrowded jails. Top Republicans and police aren't happy.

“Dallas County District Attorney John Creuzot announced policy reforms last month that he said would be “a step forward” in ending mass incarceration in Dallas. His plans include decreasing the use of excessively high bail amounts and no longer prosecuting most first-time marijuana offenses. “

Texas Tribune

May 21, 2019

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Dallas County DA's new policies aim at ending mass incarceration

“Cruezot released his reform initiatives on Thursday that focus on ending mass incarcerations. Those who know Cruezot well consider him pragmatic, innovative and a problem solver. He's only been in office 100 days, but he says the new initiates are the foundation of what will ensure justice is fairly and evenly dispensed to all Dallas County residents and very likely save taxpayer money along the way. “

Fox 4 Dallas

April 11, 2019

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DA Johnson's Silence Is Deafening to Organizers Fighting to End Mass Incarceration

“Johnson sought for the teenagers to be tried as adults, and the public hasn’t really heard much about it from her since. Organizers and nonprofits focused on issues of mass incarceration and criminal justice got to work on strategies of their own. Brianna Brown from Texas Organizing Project said ending mass incarceration cannot come to fruition without making sure kids are tried as kids.“

Dallas Observer

November 1, 2018

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