Posts tagged Cuomo
A Chance for Fairness in New York’s Criminal Justice System

“New York laws on pretrial process are among the most retrograde in the nation. Prosecutors can withhold evidence until the morning of trial. To keep it that way, the district attorneys’ association has made the fear-mongering claim that early disclosure of evidence would enable defendants to intimidate witnesses and victims.“

New York Times

February 28, 2019

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Prosecutors aren't above the law: Gov. Cuomo must sign legislation creating an oversight commission

"Since then, legislation sponsored by Sen. John DeFrancisco (R-Syracuse) passed both the Senate and Assembly with bipartisan support. It would create the nation’s first Commission on Prosecutorial Conduct. Mirroring New York’s Commission on Judicial Conduct, which handles complaints against judges, it would have the power to investigate citizens’ allegations of prosecutor malfeasance and recommend sanctions."

New York Daily News

July 30, 2018

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City Council Progressive Caucus Urges Cuomo to Sign Bill Creating Prosecutorial Misconduct Commission

"The state bill passed with bipartisan support in both the Assembly and the Senate, and awaits Cuomo’s signature or veto. The commission, consisting of eleven judges, prosecutors, and defense attorneys appointed by the state’s chief judge, the governor, and legislative leaders, would be empowered to investigate and recommend disciplinary action against prosecutors in the state accused of misconduct."

Gotham Gazette

July 12, 2018

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