Posts tagged Emily Bazelon
The War on Prosecutors

“Progressive reformers still obsessing over so-called mass incarceration think that the best way to reduce imprisonment is to curtail the power of prosecutors’ offices. They believe that prosecutors caused the prison buildup and that DAs persist in maximizing incarceration even though crime is down. These critics are mistaken, and their proposals are unnecessary, risky, and misguided. “

National Review

May 15, 2019

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'Charged' Explains How Prosecutors And Plea Bargains Drive Mass Incarceration

“Journalist and Yale Law lecturer Emily Bazelon attributes America's high incarceration rates to prosecutors more than judges. She says that in the 1980s, when crime was on the rise, legislators across the country passed laws with mandatory minimum sentences that have disproportionately affected black and brown communities.“


April 10, 2019

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