Posts tagged Queens
How to Separate District Attorney Candidates All Claiming to be Progressive

“Those positions, however beneficial to the accused, are hardly radical and are espoused by virtually every candidate in the Queens District Attorney race. It therefore behooves those searching for a progressive candidate to try and figure out who might truly be progressive, let alone radical. With that task in mind, here is a modest list of 13 questions that might reveal the depths of a candidate’s progressive beliefs:“

Gotham Gazette

April 22, 2019

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Queens Prosecutor: Kalief Browder's Suicide Wasn't About Rikers

“Led by an 85-year-old incumbent who has been in power for nearly three decades, the Queens district attorney’s office is one of only two in the city (Staten Island’s is the other) that publicly opposes the slow-moving closure of Rikers. Some advocates have also questioned the plan, which aims to reduce the jail population while increasing the number of jails.“

The Appeal

September 10, 2018

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Rory Lancman Wants to be the 'Larry Krasner of Queens'--And Says He Can Prove It

"As council member from central Queens since 2014, Lancman has been a leading supporter of many criminal justice reform issues, including closing Rikers, ending marijuana arrests, and scaling down penalties for low-level crimes. Despite his position on Rikers, the city’s corrections union has continued to support Lancman, giving him the maximum allowed donation in his 2013 and 2017 campaigns."

The Appeal

August 7, 2018

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