Posts in Diversion Programs
When Prison Reform Goes Bad

“The idea was to relieve pressure on the overcrowded prison system while also breaking the cycle of incarceration for low-level felons. Instead, more than two decades later, people leaving state jail have a greater chance of reoffending than any other group in the Texas criminal justice system. Nearly 63 percent of people released from state jails are rearrested, compared to 46 percent of inmates released from Texas prisons, according to Legislative Budget Board data.“

Texas Observer

December 11, 2018

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Guest column/Many reasons to support Ohio’s Issue 1

“Issue 1 would reduce Ohio’s bloated prison population, which has hovered around 130 percent capacity for years, and redirect the cost savings into drug treatment programs and community safety. People struggling with addiction should be sent to treatment, not prison. People who make one misstep while on probation deserve a second chance. Issue 1 will provide these opportunities, and in turn, these people can contribute to their families and local communities.“

Ohio Herald-Star

September 30, 2018

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'Wake-up call' — Idaho lawmaker proposes $500M for programs, not prisons

"If this doesn’t spark a serious discussion about criminal justice reform and the underlying problems that lead people to prison — poor investments in schools, healthcare and job training — I don’t know what will. If Idaho stays on this path, we’re going to be talking about building yet another prison ten years from now. The only difference is, it will cost a lot more than $500 million."

Idaho State Journal

July 2, 2018

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