Posts tagged Idaho
‘Disrupting Prison’ Reform Initiative Expands to Six States

“Three new states have been selected to participate in a model national initiative designed to test whether incarceration strategies used in Germany and Norway can work for young adult offenders in the United States. North Dakota, Colorado and Idaho will join the “Restoring Promise” initiative spearheaded by the Vera Institute of Justice and MILPA Collective, a California-based nonprofit led by former incarcerees, in what organizers called an effort to “disrupt and transform the living and working conditions inside American prisons and jails.”“

The Crime Report

November 19, 2019

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Lawmakers weigh sentencing changes as state's prison population soars

"Canyon County Prosecutor Bryan Taylor told state lawmakers Tuesday that no one goes to prison for a first-time drug possession charge, saying a more typical picture is an addict who runs up three, four or five convictions before authorities give up and incarcerate him. But then the lawmakers reviewed figures from Idaho’s prisons showing that currently, 1,245 state prisoners are behind bars for drug crimes alone, nearly half of them for possession; 51.3 percent of them are in for a first offense."

Idaho Press

July 10, 2018

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'Wake-up call' — Idaho lawmaker proposes $500M for programs, not prisons

"If this doesn’t spark a serious discussion about criminal justice reform and the underlying problems that lead people to prison — poor investments in schools, healthcare and job training — I don’t know what will. If Idaho stays on this path, we’re going to be talking about building yet another prison ten years from now. The only difference is, it will cost a lot more than $500 million."

Idaho State Journal

July 2, 2018

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