Posts tagged Colorado
‘Disrupting Prison’ Reform Initiative Expands to Six States

“Three new states have been selected to participate in a model national initiative designed to test whether incarceration strategies used in Germany and Norway can work for young adult offenders in the United States. North Dakota, Colorado and Idaho will join the “Restoring Promise” initiative spearheaded by the Vera Institute of Justice and MILPA Collective, a California-based nonprofit led by former incarcerees, in what organizers called an effort to “disrupt and transform the living and working conditions inside American prisons and jails.”“

The Crime Report

November 19, 2019

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Colorado’s prison population was projected to balloon. Now analysts aren’t so sure.

“‘We have one speaking Russian, one speaking Chinese, one speaking English … and then we’re wondering why we don’t have the data,’ Roper told the committee. ‘If we can’t get our data systems talking to each other, we’re going to be having the same conversation year after year’.“

The Colorado Independent

July 22, 2019

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Swath of legislation reforming Colorado’s criminal justice system to affect tens of thousands

“Lawmakers passed bills that reduced personal drug possession to misdemeanors and made it easier to leave jail before trial. Those already convicted will face less strict penalties for some parole violations and could gain the right to vote before they finish parole. And once parole is completed, people convicted of certain crimes now have a more streamlined way to seal their records.“

Denver Post

May 7, 2019

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