Posts in Pre-trial Detention
SB 91’s pretrial reforms keep Alaskans safe

“SB 91 has successfully fulfilled its intended purpose in improving the fairness, safety and effectiveness of bail and the state’s pretrial justice system as whole. As the Alaska Legislature considers the direction of criminal justice reform, state leaders would do well to maintain the pretrial justice components of SB 91. Wiping away policies that safely reduce jail populations while carefully evaluating who is released and who is not won’t keep Alaskans safe, it will leave us worse than where we started. “

Anchorage Daily News

January 24, 2019

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Ohio Council Member Wants to Implant Microchips in People Awaiting Trial

"'This can’t be inhumane because we do it to our pets,' he said in defense of the proposal. Ludeman explained to a Toledo Blade reporter that he had seen many TV shows where fictional criminals were able to slip out of an ankle monitor to commit more crimes. He insisted that implanting microchips would be 'painless' and 'humane.'"

The Appeal

August 7, 2018

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Enhancing Pretrial Justice in Alaska

"Changing the system in this way means Alaska judges will now have better, more risk-sensitive information with which to determine sentencing and bail amounts on a case-by-case basis. While money bail is a useful tool for those that prove unlikely to show up for their day in court, low-level offenders should not be jailed based on their wallets."

Right on Crime

January 9, 2018

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