Posts tagged Kentucky
Appalachia vs. the Carceral State

“Prosperino’s stepdad, a coal miner, was out of work, and Prosperino’s father was in jail. “We exchanged bad jobs for worse,” said Ada Smith, whose cousin works at U.S. Penitentiary Big Sandy in Martin County. The prison wasn’t underground, but it might as well have been. Both jobs were dangerous. Generations of miners sacrificed their lungs and limbs to King Coal. But prison work wasn’t just hard on the body; it was bad for the human soul to be responsible for another person’s unfreedom.“

The New Republic

November 25, 2019

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Lawyers challenge effort to put victim rights in Kentucky Constitution

"The ballot question asks: 'Are you in favor of providing constitutional rights to the victims of crime, including the right to be treated fairly, with dignity and respect, and the right to be informed and have a voice in the judicial process?' The association, in a press release, said the law actually makes much broader changes to the law and skews the process in which a defendant is presumed innocent."

Louisville Courier Journal

August 13, 2018

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