The Myth That Crime Rises as Prisons Shrink

“Our research found that the proposition had no appreciable impact on crime in the year following its enactment. Specifically, it had no effect on rates of homicide, rape, aggravated assault, robbery or burglary. Larceny and motor-vehicle thefts did seem to have increased moderately after Prop 47 went into effect, but these results were both sensitive to small changes in our modeling and small enough that we cannot rule out spuriousness.“

Governing Institute

September 11, 2018

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It's time to end Mississippi’s addiction to prison

“The state should also consider alternatives to incarceration, such as substance abuse treatment and diversions to other support services, as well as the decriminalization of marijuana. Programs that include substance abuse counseling can actually help correct people’s behavior and keep them out of prison. Legislators could also enact sentencing reform that reduces the amount of time for less serious drug and property offenses.“

Mississippi Clarion Ledger

September 9, 2018

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N.J. Congresswoman: 10 things we need to do to fix U.S. prison problem

“The Reverse Mass Incarceration Act would reward states that reduce rates of incarceration without seeing spikes in crime. Kalief's Law would provide pre- and post-release mental health screenings and social services to individuals who are incarcerated. And my own End For-Profit Prisons Act would phase out existing contracts with private prison companies“

New Jersey Star Ledger

September 9, 2018

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Louisiana's criminal justice reforms are working

“Today, a snapshot of the Louisiana prison system shows that the majority of individuals incarcerated are there for violent offenses and that the number of individuals imprisoned for non-violent offenses has dropped 20 percent since the fourth quarter of 2017. There has also been a 7.4 percent decrease in prison admissions.“

Shreveport Times

September 7, 2018

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End mass incarceration crisis created by politicians

“Arizona has the fourth highest incarceration rate in the nation. Arizona’s current prison population is nearly nine times greater than the state’s prison population in 1980. On average, people released from prison last year served roughly 31 percent more time than the average person released in 2009.“

Arizona Capitol Times

September 6, 2018

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Arkansas Committee to Examine State's Incarceration Practices, Policies

"The committee will examine the state's growing prison population and the disproportionately high incarceration rate of individuals of color, relative to the general population. The committee will consider state and local policies and practices, which may contribute to the disparities. The committee members will also seek alternative policies and practices with the demonstrated potential to address such concerns."

University of Arkansas

September 5, 2018

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Local lawmakers take criminal justice reform talk to prison

"State Sen. Sharif Street (D-3) joined state Reps. Jordan Harris (D-186) and Donna Bullock (D-195) in spearheading a bicameral hearing of the Democratic Legislative Policy Committee at the State Correctional Institute — Dallas in Luzerne County, where they discussed proposals aimed at reforming Pennsylvania’s justice and prison systems."

Philadelphia Tribune

August 31, 2018

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'We Thought It Was Important to Knock Down Doors'

"For Lewis Conway Jr., deciding to run for office was the easy part. The Austin native was a community activist looking for another way to make change. But until mid-August, the fate of his candidacy for City Council was uncertain. He had served eight years in prison and 12 on parole, and although his voting rights were restored, city officials questioned his eligibility. Only this month was he officially cleared for the November ballot."

The Appeal

August 30, 2018

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Criminal Justice Reform Is on the Midterm Ballot

"Gillum has campaigned on a platform that could change that. His campaign’s official site touts measures similar to those adopted in some Democratic-led states, like reducing the number of crimes that carry mandatory-minimum sentences and reforming the cash-bail system, which disproportionately harms lower-income Americans. Others are more bold: Gillum went further than his primary opponents and called for the full legalization, rather than just decriminalization, of marijuana."

New Republic

August 29, 2018

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Sentencing reform tests Cotton’s sway with Trump

"Despite the long odds, the battle is raging behind the scenes. Internal discussions of the subject at Senate lunches have been heated, according to Republican sources, a preview of what might happen on the Senate floor if the chamber takes it up. It’s the same dynamic that kept McConnell from bringing up a larger criminal justice reform package in 2016 as Cotton railed against it and declared the United States has an 'under-incarceration problem'."


August 20, 2018

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When Will the Democratic Party Get Involved in Local and State Law Enforcement Races?

"When progressive reformers win in law enforcement and criminal justice races, they are doing so in spite of the Democratic Party, not because of it. All of this would seem to be an easy fix, but it gets to the root of the matter. Does the Democratic Party really care about black people or do they just want our votes?"

The Intercept

August 19, 2018

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Florida’s prisons are more expensive than ever. What will the next governor do about it?

"Even as crime rates and prison admissions have fallen over the past decade, ever-lengthening criminal sentences have left Florida prisons full of inmates and in need of a record $2.4 billion — a budget-busting challenge for the state’s next governor to resolve. How he or she would do so falls on a single but complex question: Does Florida’s harsh penal system need reform?"

Florida Times Union

August 17, 2018

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