Lawmakers weigh sentencing changes as state's prison population soars

"Canyon County Prosecutor Bryan Taylor told state lawmakers Tuesday that no one goes to prison for a first-time drug possession charge, saying a more typical picture is an addict who runs up three, four or five convictions before authorities give up and incarcerate him. But then the lawmakers reviewed figures from Idaho’s prisons showing that currently, 1,245 state prisoners are behind bars for drug crimes alone, nearly half of them for possession; 51.3 percent of them are in for a first offense."

Idaho Press

July 10, 2018

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Don’t let fair-weather friends derail criminal justice reform [Opinion]

"To be sure, all of this may come to naught. Sessions could convince the president to veto a joint bill if it includes sentencing reform, and wary Republicans could desert en masse. But supporting sentencing reform, even if it’s doomed, means being on the right side of history. That’s worth something — especially in the Trump era."

Houston Chronicle

July 9, 2018

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Portland to launch criminal expungement pilot, opening doors to affordable housing

"It's very difficult to get out of public housing with a criminal record because Portland's housing market is so tight right now and it's so easy for landlords to just run a background check and if you've got anything on there, anything at all even arrests they're just no we're not going to rent to you because we have a million other people that we could rent to."

Fox 12 Oregon

July 6, 2018

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'Wake-up call' — Idaho lawmaker proposes $500M for programs, not prisons

"If this doesn’t spark a serious discussion about criminal justice reform and the underlying problems that lead people to prison — poor investments in schools, healthcare and job training — I don’t know what will. If Idaho stays on this path, we’re going to be talking about building yet another prison ten years from now. The only difference is, it will cost a lot more than $500 million."

Idaho State Journal

July 2, 2018

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Why Oklahoma Has The Highest Incarceration Rate In The U.S.

"Oklahoma has now overtaken Louisiana as the state with the highest incarceration rate in the country, according to data from the Prison Policy Initiative. Here & Now's Jeremy Hobson speaks with John Carl, a professor of sociology and criminology at the University of Oklahoma, about how the rate got so high and what kind of overhaul is in motion."

WBUR Oklahoma

July 2, 2018

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ACLU of Vermont Voter Guide - 2018 State's Attorney Elections

"In June 2018, the ACLU of Vermont sent each of the candidates for state's attorney a 20-question survey, inviting them to state their personal views on a range of criminal justice issues ahead of this year’s elections, including prosecutor transparency, police accountability, the opiate epidemic, mental health services, and racial disparities in Vermont’s criminal justice system."

ACLU Vermont

July 1, 2018

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Criminal justice numbers tell story of success

"The report also showed fewer people are being sent back to prison after having their outside supervision revoked, and fewer first-time offenders are being sent away in the first place. And fewer are under probation or parole, which officials attribute to improved good behavior incentives and better monitoring due to reduced caseloads. Another finding is that the legal changes have reduced the average sentence for non-violent crimes."

The Advocate

June 30, 2018

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What Makes Reentry Initiatives Successful at Reducing Recidivism

"Successful reentry initiatives are in the interest of inmates, correctional staff and the wider community. While prisons will always need to be disciplined, controlled environments, Hood believes it’s about striking a balance. From giving a prisoner a handshake to reinforce good behavior to working with the public on reentry initiatives, he hopes the correctional system will soon live up to its name."

In Public Safety

June 29, 2018

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Governor Wolf Signs Clean Slate Bill, Calls for More Criminal Justice Reform

"This Clean Slate legislation allows for individuals to petition the courts for their records to be sealed if a person has been free from conviction for 10 years for an offense that resulted in a year or more in prison and has paid all court-ordered financial debts."

Pennsylvania Governor's Office

June 28, 2018

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Opponents of R.I. drug-sentencing bill plead for veto by Raimondo

"The bill in question — Kristen’s Law — would allow the possibility of a life sentence for anyone who sells, delivers or distributes an illegal drug that leads to a fatal overdose. The bill is named after Kristen Coutu, a 29-year old Cranston woman who died following an overdose of fentanyl-laced heroin in 2014. Coutu’s family has backed the bill."

Providence Journal

June 25, 2018

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Educate voters on Amendment 4 and restoring felons' rights

"Amendment 4 would automatically restore voting rights for all felons (excluding those convicted of murder and felony sex crimes) who have completed their sentence, including any probation and restitution. It needs 60 percent voter approval to pass. A new poll commissioned by the Florida Chamber of Commerce found just 40 percent of voters in favor and 17 percent opposed."

Tampa Bay Times

June 16, 2018

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